Pole Fitness Classes
Flirt Fitness Studio® offers several different options of pole classes and workouts to challenge not only your body but also your mind and spirit. All of our pole workouts are aimed at providing women with a Intro to Pole Class or a friend recommended they try it out. They end up signing up for our Flirt Premier Membership because of the inspirational women and camaraderie that is so prevalent in our studio environment.
that boosts their confidence and gives them a sense of belonging. Most first timers come to Flirt because they tried anCheck out our different classes below as well as our Membership options. You can contact our studio below to learn more about the amazing benefits that pole fitness provides, and how to become part of the Flirt Fitness family.
Our Refund Policy
No refunds are given for deposits, payments, etc. There are also no exchanges or transfers. We count on a certain number of students to run a class and can’t accept cancellations after the first day. However, if your class gets cancelled due to lack of enrollment and we can’t get you into a class that fits your schedule, a full refund will be given. Contact us below for more information.
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